Book: Figuration and Invention. 75 years of Painting in Latin America

Figuration and Invention. 75 years of Painting in Latin America
Exhibition catalog
Museo de Bellas Artes – Seguros La Previsora Editorial Binev, Caracas, 1990, 177 páges.
Cover: Drawing of Tito Salas
Catalog made by the Museum of Fine Arts and sponsored by the Previsora Foundation as part of the celebration of its 75 years. The curatorial text is by Roberto Guevara and the authorship of the prologue is by Gabriel García Márquez. The Colombian Nobel expresses: “This reckless exhibition opens at a historic moment when humanity begins to be different. When Milagros Maldonado conceived it three years ago, the world was still in the shadows of the twentieth century … We are thus entering the era of Latin America, the world’s leading producer of creative imagination, the richest and most necessary basic material in the new world.
And these hundred visionaries’ painters can be much more than a token: the great premonition of a still undiscovered continent, in which death is to be defeated by happiness, and there will be more peace forever, Time and better health, more hot food, more tasty parties, more of everything good for everyone. In two words more love.”